Ayurveda tips

Ayurveda tips

 Maharishi Ayurveda and the Immune System

Maharishi Ayurveda and the Immune System

Everyone talks about the immune system. Health-related advertising is especially focused on the immune system in autumn. But what is it anyway, the immune system? The immune...

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 Maharishi Ayurveda and the Immune System

Maharishi Ayurveda and the Immune System

13.10.23 - Everyone talks about the immune system. Health-related advertising is especially focused on the immune system in autumn. But what is it anyway, the immune system? The immune...

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 Strengthen the immune system in autumn

Strengthen the immune system in autumn

Anyone who follows the current infection figures has already noticed: it is getting cooler and the number of new illnesses caused by infections is increasing. Maharishi...

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 Strengthen the immune system in autumn

Strengthen the immune system in autumn

06.10.23 - Anyone who follows the current infection figures has already noticed: it is getting cooler and the number of new illnesses caused by infections is increasing. Maharishi...

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 Strengthen the immune system in autumn

Strengthen the immune system in autumn

Anyone who follows the current infection figures has already noticed: it is getting cooler and the number of new illnesses caused by infections is increasing. Maharishi...

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 Strengthen the immune system in autumn

Strengthen the immune system in autumn

06.10.23 - Anyone who follows the current infection figures has already noticed: it is getting cooler and the number of new illnesses caused by infections is increasing. Maharishi...

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 Immune system - Interview with Jana Schachinger

Immune system - Interview with Jana Schachinger

What measures strengthen the immune system? There are many. I will list a few A healthy diet Drinking enough Exercise in the fresh air Get enough sleep Avoid stress...

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 Immune system - Interview with Jana Schachinger

Immune system - Interview with Jana Schachinger

03.10.23 - What measures strengthen the immune system? There are many. I will list a few A healthy diet Drinking enough Exercise in the fresh air Get enough sleep Avoid stress...

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 Kindergesundheit - Interview mit Dr. Valeria Schachinger

Kindergesundheit - Interview mit Dr. Valeria Schachinger

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 Kindergesundheit - Interview mit Dr. Valeria Schachinger

Kindergesundheit - Interview mit Dr. Valeria Schachinger

28.08.23 -

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 Heat leads to contamination of the blood

Heat leads to contamination of the blood

As the end of summer approaches, excess pitta accumulates in our mind-body system. Those who continuously rely on cooling measures in summer are less affected by this. In any...

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 Heat leads to contamination of the blood

Heat leads to contamination of the blood

23.08.23 - As the end of summer approaches, excess pitta accumulates in our mind-body system. Those who continuously rely on cooling measures in summer are less affected by this. In any...

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 energy through the summer

energy through the summer

We are experiencing the second heat wave this summer in Central Europe. Pitta, the fire principle, is accumulating more and more. It is typical that Pitta increases most towards...

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 energy through the summer

energy through the summer

18.08.23 - We are experiencing the second heat wave this summer in Central Europe. Pitta, the fire principle, is accumulating more and more. It is typical that Pitta increases most towards...

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 Care for skin and sensory organs in summer

Care for skin and sensory organs in summer

Sun exposure and warm temperatures dry out the skin easily. Also, prolonged swimming, especially in chlorinated water, quickly makes the skin very dry. Dry skin has a lower...

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 Care for skin and sensory organs in summer

Care for skin and sensory organs in summer

11.08.23 - Sun exposure and warm temperatures dry out the skin easily. Also, prolonged swimming, especially in chlorinated water, quickly makes the skin very dry. Dry skin has a lower...

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 Perfect skin in summer

Perfect skin in summer

The skin as an organ is subject to the control of Pitta - the fire energy. Many skin diseases result from Pitta being overly irritated by internal and external heat, causing the...

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 Perfect skin in summer

Perfect skin in summer

04.08.23 - The skin as an organ is subject to the control of Pitta - the fire energy. Many skin diseases result from Pitta being overly irritated by internal and external heat, causing the...

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 Sport and exercise for health and longevity

Sport and exercise for health and longevity

How much time do you take for exercise every day? Movement is an essential part of our lives, life IS movement! Due to modern lifestyles, we move significantly less on average...

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 Sport and exercise for health and longevity

Sport and exercise for health and longevity

21.07.23 - How much time do you take for exercise every day? Movement is an essential part of our lives, life IS movement! Due to modern lifestyles, we move significantly less on average...

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 Overcoming the sense of injustice

Overcoming the sense of injustice

Our theme of the month is justice. How do you feel when you feel unfairly treated? How can Ayurveda help alleviate this distressing feeling? Medicinal plant Arjuna The...

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 Overcoming the sense of injustice

Overcoming the sense of injustice

10.02.23 - Our theme of the month is justice. How do you feel when you feel unfairly treated? How can Ayurveda help alleviate this distressing feeling? Medicinal plant Arjuna The...

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 Strengthened into the cold season

Strengthened into the cold season

Rising infection figures and ever louder admonitions warn us of an autumn in which many people will catch febrile illnesses. These include not only covid, but also influenza and...

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 Strengthened into the cold season

Strengthened into the cold season

06.10.22 - Rising infection figures and ever louder admonitions warn us of an autumn in which many people will catch febrile illnesses. These include not only covid, but also influenza and...

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 Ayurveda and child health

Ayurveda and child health

20 September was "World Day of the Child". This day reminds us of children's rights and how important it is to create an environment worth living in for children. This includes...

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 Ayurveda and child health

Ayurveda and child health

22.09.22 - 20 September was "World Day of the Child". This day reminds us of children's rights and how important it is to create an environment worth living in for children. This includes...

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 Vaccination prevention package

Vaccination prevention package

For many of you, a Corona vaccination is inevitable in the next 1 - 2 months. Just as you can prepare for an infection, it is also possible to minimise the side effects of the...

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 Vaccination prevention package

Vaccination prevention package

17.12.21 - For many of you, a Corona vaccination is inevitable in the next 1 - 2 months. Just as you can prepare for an infection, it is also possible to minimise the side effects of the...

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 Oil massage in the Ayurvedic daily routine

Oil massage in the Ayurvedic daily routine

A glorious carpet of snow adorns our landscape and gives rise to anticipation of Christmas. "Christmas stress" has a different dimension this year. While in recent years it was...

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 Oil massage in the Ayurvedic daily routine

Oil massage in the Ayurvedic daily routine

11.12.21 - A glorious carpet of snow adorns our landscape and gives rise to anticipation of Christmas. "Christmas stress" has a different dimension this year. While in recent years it was...

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